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Choosing great  end  tablesChoosing great end tables

It requires a lot of patience to find the perfect end tables for a room. These tables are  part of your overall room design and you should follow some general guidelines to make sure they don't distract from your focal point or create too much conflict with everything else that is going on in the ro…

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Where do I put my bed?Where do I put my bed?

 Some  bedrooms are so small that you have no option other than placing the bed in front of a window. Even in large rooms sometimes putting the bed in front of the window is just the right placement for it.  So much for "design rules".  It's all in how you do it!   In some rooms that are narrow you …

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Thursday tip # 9 - small roomsThursday tip # 9 - small rooms

Hugh Jefferson Randolph ArchitectsThere are many options when one has to decorate a small room.  These ideas are built on the principle of keeping all aspects of the decor as minimal and connected as possible. Since this is the look I prefer in any room, small rooms are never a challenge and I even…

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5 ways to use a screen5 ways to use a screen

I'm surprised I don't see more screens used in decorating because they are very versatile and there are so many styles to choose. Have you thought about using a screen in a recent home decorating re do?People have been using them for centuries in their homes beginning in 4th century BC in China. Thr…

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Inspiration snapsInspiration snaps

When I travel my camera is always with me because I don't want to miss any inspirational moments for art or design.  I thought my readers might enjoy seeing some of the "snaps" that I found interesting. This was the table decoration in the lobby of a boutique hotel in London.  Carnations last foreve…

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Thursday Tip # 8 -  make it whiteThursday Tip # 8 - make it white

Coastal LivingThere is something so soothing about a monochromatic colour scheme.  I have friends who would say boring not soothing. but to each his own.  It might seem easy to have a room is varying tones of one hue but not so.  It's even more difficult to design a white room to look interesting.  …

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Subtle adjustmentsSubtle adjustments

Small changes can create large impact in design; sometimes the changes are not so large, but there's an improvement.  Either way move around your home with a critical eye for small tweaks you can make... add a pillow here, reposition artwork, remove a pile of books... When I am at my summer home, I …

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What's your kitchen style?What's your kitchen style?

I like my kitchens clean lined, and light  with lots of storage.  Medium to dark wood tones  make me fell heavy and closed in.  It's a personal preference and that usually  gets left behind when you are designing for a client.   In my locale there is a strong trend toward darker kitchens with the r…

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Thursday Tip #7- Editing a bookcaseThursday Tip #7- Editing a bookcase

Control your bookcaseIf you're like me this is easier said than done.  I don't like a bookcase to look too edited, but grouping objects and books is a must.  I won't go so far as to suggest covering books with the same colour paper  or lining them up by colour as I've seen in some magazines.  What w…

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