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Thursday Tip #2Thursday Tip #2

Webber + Studio, ArchitectsUse accessories to carry colour The vibrant yellow green in the artwork in this hallway is repeated again in the pillow in the bedroom. A darker green appears in the art work above the bed.  When walking down the hallway your eye pops from the artwork into the adjoining r…

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It's never perfectIt's never perfect

There's room for improvement in most decors because perfection is difficult to create and every set of eyes will see a design in a different way.  I'm amazed by the discussion that ensues when several decorators look at the same photos of a project.  Often an  aspect of a  room that I will focus on…

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Thursday Tip -Fall is in the airThursday Tip -Fall is in the air

Many people focus on new beginnings in January, but mine are always prompted by the arrival of September.  I put it down to my past career as a teacher when September was the month of planning and new possibilities.I just returned from a month in Europe and my mind is agog with all the possible post…

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