Take a closer lookTake a closer look

source  The room above works because of its mix of various materials with a neutral palette.   I kept returning to  beauty comma  to look at it over several days.  When you are drawn back to a room it is worthwhile to examine what aspects of it you like.  That was easy for me in this case- everythi…

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Style like a pro -TextureStyle like a pro -Texture

 Colour is the most obvious element in interior design because of its boldness or starkenss. Homeowners constantly update their rooms with colour changes, but what about all the other design elements?  For example, have you given your room a texture update lately? Texture is simply using a variety o…

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5 Window Treatments  for Patio Doors5 Window Treatments for Patio Doors

"What can I do with my patio door?" Since I often hear this question  from clients I'm  concluding  that sliding patio doors provide many challenges in home decor. If you are the proud owner of a patio door let's explore your options in window treatments.  Fully Closing Draperies Mark English Archit…

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