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Summer house DIYSummer house DIY

As I sit here in the middle of a raging snowstorm, I'm thinking about my summer house which I want to open next month. Maybe optimism will pay off!  This is the time of year I run through my "to do" list of what I want to accomplish in the coming season.  Most summer home/cottage owners want an invi…

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Where to put your TVWhere to put your TV

Where should I put my new TV?This is  my most dreaded decorating question because my answer never seems to please people.There is nothing subtle or appealing about a big black rectangle dominating a room, and that is what happens as TVs become larger. My first instinct is to come up with ways to hid…

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10 Design Solutions for Small Bedrooms10 Design Solutions for Small Bedrooms

Are you wondering how to make the most of those small bedrooms you have? Sometimes it's as simple as re-arranging furniture, changing  colours or adding built- ins.  Here are 10  suggestions to make the best use of a small bedroom space, but don't stop there.   Many of these ideas can be used in oth…

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Think spring greenThink spring green

There's nothing like the time changing to give you the feeling that spring is around the corner.  I try to have  positive thoughts this time of year, but today I'm writing with a snow storm looming in the background and announcements of St. Patrick's Day celebrations that will dwindle through the we…

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Look for the bones of a roomLook for the bones of a room

There is nothing more boring in decor than an overly matched room!  I work in a home decor retail setting part time  and this gives me a good sense of what the "general public" is interested in or believes about home decor.  I've noticed two constant trends.  First is the belief that everything must…

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